The TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Database exam, so we created the ECDL .
Training materials are downloadable via the ECDL Community
Using databases | Training - European Computer Driving Licence
Using databases | ECDL.Sometimes a lot of people are willing to do a lot of work for a moderate amount of money. But at the same time, lots of other people are willing to do a small amount of work for a large amount of money.
I think the people who are willing to do lots of work for a modest amount of money are the people with integrity. But when you have people doing a small amount of work for a large amount of money, you’re dealing with people with low integrity.
The thing I’m going to get at today is that it’s hard to be a good person and to have integrity when you do a lot of work for a small amount of money.
There are two people who work in my office. Let’s call them Pat and Lou.
Pat and Lou work for the same company and are in the same department. They both do the same type of work and they do a lot of it. But Pat is a high performer and Lou is a low performer. If you work for the company, you know that Pat is a very high performer and Lou is a very low performer.
Here’s the rub: Pat charges a very low amount of money for his services. But he works hard and he does a lot of work. Pat works in the same office as Lou and Lou is very friendly. Pat and Lou have always gotten along great.
Pat thinks about what he does for a living. He does a lot of work and he’s always wondering if he’s doing the right thing. Pat is a very ethical person and he thinks a lot about what’s right and wrong.
Pat and Lou are also quite successful. And when they become successful, they make more money than their coworkers who are more average performers.
And then Pat and Lou make a deal. Pat will work for a low rate and Lou will work for a high rate.
They both get what they want. They both get to do a lot of work. And Pat and Lou get to make more money than the others who are less successful.
Now be359ba680
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